Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Lord’s Valentine to Us

Peace of God is Jesus Christ: The Lord’s Valentine to Us (title in the book)
Luke 2:14   Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Ephesians 2:14  For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us,... Although this passage we all have read plenty of times, yet when the Lord speaks concerning it, then it becomes engraved within our souls, and is alive within... God’s testimony, breath, Spirit working within us ...
So it is with these two scriptures and the Lord’s message today of “on earth peace.” In Luke the passage from verse 10-15 speaks of the moment the angels appeared to the shepherds in the fields to tell them of the birth of the Son of God.
The world looks for peace. Every Soul longs for peace. Seriously, all souls long for peace, no matter what religion or belief they say they are of. Yet, that answer to their longing has arrived! 
That peace is Jesus Christ to all men!. You know that, I know that… but many just know Him as a religion that isn’t a real person, presence. They just haven’t EXPERIENCED or ENCOUNTERED Him yet. Then they too will be changed, and abide in true PEACE.
Our Peace was ordained of God, and made manifest in the earth. Now, forever set is OUR PEACE.  Ephesians 2:14 tells us He is our peace.
So what the world needs is peace and love. The Righteousness of Jesus Christ which is from Love, who is God, produces Peace. The fruit of Righteousness is peace. So every soul in the world needs to EXPERIENCE and have an ENCOUNTER of God’s Peace and Love who is… His Son Jesus Christ…the Savior of the world…the Lamb of God.
If all the World and people in the world could be awakened to this truth, and ENCOUNTER the Love of God through Jesus Christ, then His Peace would keep them.
And how can the world ENCOUNTER and EXPERIENCE the true presence of Peace? By that Holy Spirit appearing through His many membered body and revealing that “good news” that is their peace, and joy in this earth.  Ephesians 1:22-23 tells us that we are the fullness of him that filleth all in all.  We are the walking, visible body of God’s Son in this earth, not by our choice, but by God’s choice that we are…. So, grow up into the Head which is Jesus Christ, the Son, the firstfruit of the Spirit.  Now let the Head, be birthed through you: His mind and character … Co-Heirs of His Kingdom… as His woman, help mate, soul and body to work through in this earth.
As Luke 2:10 states “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”
Give the best love gift of all – Jesus Christ revealed by the Holy Spirit through us.

What the world needs now is Peace…. and He is Come.
Let His Light Shine through You Oh Body of Christ!

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