Thursday, February 24, 2011

Travail of His Soul

Jesus Christ offered the ultimate Travailing of the Soul.  None can top what He did.

So why would our Father desire for us that are called by His Name and have become His Habitation to have to travail also in our souls?

First, being birthed as a member of His Son, and walking in the identity and co-heirs of His Son, and being filled with God’s Holy Presence/Spirit – being filled with all the fullness of Him (Ephesians 3:19, John 1:12)…. we have a responsibility to be Obedient to our Father’s Desires… And PRODUCE after His Kind. (Genesis 1:28, 1 Cor 15)

So when the Father wants to “birth” His Son, an idea, His will, and/or purpose in and through us FOR THE PROFIT OF HIS BODY AND PEOPLE, then we should do as Jesus also did….

Travail in our minds, our Souls, Spirit for the manifestation of God’s Will (not the carnal minds will or desires of the flesh).

Travail:  (in my dictionary) means to labor, to toil, to suffer the pangs of childbirth.

From the biblical definition it is also referred to as “going through the birthing process” but as the parent mother, not as the child experience.  Jesus talks of travail as the “seed” being planted and producing out of the earth…. (John 16:21).  Then in Galatians 4:19 Paul says “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you.”   Again in the sense of the experience the mother parent must go through within themselves to bring forth the produce of the seed that is planted in them.

Now, take this to the next level!  ….  YOUR Soul is that Mother, that God has planted THE SEED (HIS WORD) to germinate within Your Soul and PRODUCE after That SEED WHICH IS CHRIST JESUS.

Jesus said in John 15:4-5 “Abide in me, and I in you…..I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”  So here He speaks as the One IN your Soul as The Spirit that is all Righteousness and Holiness, to impregnate your Soul with His SEED, Word, Spirit… to produce His presence IN you and then Through you to this world. ! .  (So many scriptures to confirm this working)

Breaking forth through you is THE SON OF GOD swallowing up your nature body, yet it is The Holy Spirit: the Father & Son having produced themselves to, in and through you, having now SWALLOWED UP YOUR MORTAL BODIES having RENEWED and TRANSFORMED your MIND (the falling away of the chaff – that carnal mind). (2 Cor 5:5 1-5)

Oh how exciting is this birth, Oh how painful it can be most of the time!  Don’t give up now, it is too late to turn back now….  take a deep breath and push!!!!  Joy comes in the morning!

So, Travail is a meditation on the Word that God has Planted in your Soul and Mind.  Think on it. Meditate on it.  SEEK the Lord In It Always!!!!  Until His Nature is Revealed… Until His Will is Manifested in this world.  (2 Peter 1:4; Gal 4:19)

Acts 13:23 states “Of this man’s seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:”   ‘this man’s seed’ is Abraham’s seed that God used to bring forth the Promised Saviour for Israel and us all.  But listen to what the Lord is saying here ----- That is and has been accomplished through Jesus Christ, yet NOW we are become that BODY of the Lord… His Spiritual Body and now our natural vessel is benefiting and reaping of the Spirit of the Lord and all is swallowed up and clothed in Christ Jesus. Sanctified.

In and by the Spirit of the Lord (1 Cor 15:44-47), we are become The Church, HIS BODY, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all (Eph 1:22-23).  God in the flesh, returned to the earth, the visible image of the invisible God, Heaven and Earth brought together in one who is The Lord and Saviour, The Son of God.

The Holy Spirit of the Father is abiding in us and swallowing us up and manifesting His Nature in us and through us.  The Divine Power working in us to transform us into His same image, the Divine Nature that is without sin: In spirit and soul and body.  That through your soul He is PRODUCING that divine nature of the Son who is the firstfruit of the Spirit that is without sin and death (2 Corinthians 5:1-5; 2 Cor 4:14).

Jesus Christ walked on the earth as the second man, who rose from the grave and death in the glorified body, which is His natural and spirit body that is without sin and death.  We by the Holy Spirit, are producing Him who is Incorruptible and Immortal. We are putting on His garments and covering, and so much more.  He is swallowing up our mortality.  He is our Overcomer and our example to follow Him and do the same, yet only by the Lord abiding in us and the working in us of the Holy Spirit, and by having that Seed which is Christ Jesus, God's Word in us, can this be possible. So by faith in God we walk on. Oh Hallelujah !!!!!

So allow the Travailing to continue in the Lord until the Lord’s Desire is fulfilled through you.!. Producing after His seed, not according to the natural seed, but according to the spiritual seed the WORD of GOD.  God PRODUCING His Son through you.


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