Wednesday, March 9, 2011


All that the Lord draws to the Son, Must receive that Word that is Spirit and is Life, and Be SEALED…. LOCKED by the Lord for His Working in you to begin…  Redemption…


Ephesians 1:13-14   In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

We Trusted, Heard, Believed, and Sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise…. promise that we will enter in to the promised land, our inheritance, Eternal Life…  which is Jesus Christ, the true God (1 John 5:20).

Then it says ‘until the redemption…’  This word redemption means the “full, complete” redemption; so until God fully redeems, or can say, “brings every bit of our person: mind, spirit, soul, AND body in to His Presence… transformed in the likeness of His Son, and one with Him and the Son.”  What a processing!

We are Sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, then the working begins – a process to release us from that carnal mind, by the Revealing of Christ Jesus in each mind and soul.  He establishes us in Himself by the process of Him (Holy Spirit) RENEWING and REGENERATING and RENOVATING our minds IN/BY His Word, which is to secure us, and guarantee our success to enter His Kingdom.  This is that process of being born again of His Spirit and Water.  We also find that God is a consuming fire, so we also are ‘salted with fire’ during this process.

Some will bring forth 10% of His character, some will produce 30%, 60%, 80% or the full 100%.  Much depends on what YOU will ALLOW HIM to do/work in you.  Sometimes it is not ‘comfortable’ as the carnal mind is being cut away (falling away), but the after affects are PEACE as HIS Character (Presence) of RIGHTEOUNESS shines forth and is our new divine born again nature. !...... Oh Hallelujah!! What a WAY to be CHANGED.

And That Character is actually HIS PRESENCE APPEARING in You, and you realize that you and Him have truly become One.  At this moment, HE has SWALLOWED UP Your Mortality, and ETERNAL LIFE is Revealed!!  Oh Hallelujah! Thank you Father. Amen.!

Your Mind becomes God’s Garden to Birth His Divine Nature in, and cause you to become a son of God…. Yet wisdom tells us, that there is ONE SON, yet many members of that One Son. So each member can grow into the Head…. meaning can grow to manifest 100% of the character of Jesus Christ, IF they will continue in His Faith and allow the Lord to work that redemptive process of being born again, in their mind.

Look at Romans 10:4-10. In Romans it is revealed that the ‘Righteousness which is of faith is nigh thee… in thy mouth … and in thy heart… the word of faith which we preach.’

** Now, look closely to this…. Verses 6-7 of Romans as it shows us that you don’t have to ascend to heaven to get CHRIST, nor descend to the deep to bring CHRIST up, BUT that CHRIST (the word) IS IN THY HEART, AND IN THY MOUTH. ! .   THAT WORD …. IS…. JESUS CHRIST … REVEALED … MANIFESTED IN YOU.

This is the testimony or witness of the Father, the Spirit of Prophecy, declaring the Son of God to you.  Yet this word is not a flat letter, but is the Living Word of God, an encounter of the 3D experience of the Risen Lord making Himself known to you, in you, and you in Him.  And it is in this encounter of God that changes you…. As He draws you closer to Himself. (2 Cor 3:16-18)

The Word that is Spirit and Life which the Lord, that Holy Spirit, has SPOKEN… rather REVEALED IN YOU AND YOU TRUSTED HIM, HEARD HIM, RECEIVED HIM, AND SEALED OF HIM…. you go from faith to faith, glory to glory, victory to victory…. from one experience of redemption to the next… UNTIL the FULL, COMPLETE Redemption of your whole being is seated in the Father.  What a Working of the Father through His Son…. His Word.  ! .

In Him you are Ready, Sealed and Secured in His Righteousness. In the Lord Jesus, the Father has prepared you, equipped you with His Holy Spirit, and made you ready and able for every good work.


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