Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth,
and the Life, right? Right.
There’s only one Way to the Father and
that is THROUGH the SON. And you can’t come to the Son, unless the Father Wills
for you to.
So, what about Healing? How does Healing Come? In a short response to this, Healing comes by
the Father, through the SON, Jesus Christ…. by that same Spirit working
THROUGH Faith in You to another.
By Faith in God’s Word, which is Jesus
Christ, His Son, we can lay hands or pray for the sick and they will
recover. Or we can pray for the Lord’s
guidance in the situation, to receive wisdom for them so they that are sick may
be free, or, or, or …. there are lots of situations to see how Jesus Christ
went throughout the land healing and setting people free. But there is ONE set Truth in every
situation…. it was the Father in the Son that allowed the work to be done. Yet the Father gave the Son His Honor and
Authority, but the SON acknowledges that the Father is Greater than He. Oh What a Relationship Here!!!
The point here is…. The Father is the source of Life and has
given all to the Son to work, but the Son can do nothing without the Father or
without the Father’s permission.
Likewise we can of ourselves do NOTHING.
the Father THROUGH the SON will do it through us. Submit to the Head from which all blessings
flow… Humble and Yield yourself to Him and HIS WILL for the given situation….
If Jesus Christ is not in you, If the
Father is not in you, If the Holy Spirit is not in you…. you can do nothing.
They are One – that Holy Spirit is the
Lord, and there is only One Lord (2 Cor 3:17).
They, the Father and Son come and make their abode IN YOU (John
14:20-24). Many verses in the gospels
read that Jesus tells us that it is the Father that doeth the work, and speaks through
the Son to that generation. Although He
knows His place and authority, He always knows and gives acknowledgement and
REVERANCE to the Father, and the Father acknowledges and Honors the Son. What a Team!
So must we do. KNOW that it is the LORD IN US that does the
Healing, Miracles, Blessings of all kinds, etc…. Give the Lord HONOR, and REVERANCE in all His
workings through us. Humble Mind, Meek
and lowly in heart… just like the Son to the Father.
Without Him we can do Nothing…. John
15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit
of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He
that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for
without me ye can do nothing.
Study that relationship between the Father
and the Son, and let that be your example to nourish your relationship with the
Lord. He Desires to give of Himself to
us, so that we may never have a lack in giving out to others in that same
selfless divine nature that He is. In
Him we live, because the Son lives of the Father, and we through Him can have
life more abundantly.
There is no other way for us to BECOME
the SON with Him, and Produce the FRUIT of the SON, but to eat of and go
through the Son to the Father. Likewise,
in order for HIS HEALING POWER to flow through us, the Power has to be in us…
His Holy Spirit.
John 1:12 reveals that He gives us
power to become sons… In Luke 24:49 Jesus tells them to wait until they are
endued with power from on high, the promise of the Father.
So if the Holy Spirit is doing the
work of the Father and Son IN you, and you are abiding in Him, then He will flow
through you, as He desires. Just be
ready … and willing.
Has He made you one of His Gifts to
the Body of Christ? Then work that gift
for the edification of the body in love, but never forget that the Gift is
Jesus Christ in You working…. Allow HIM
to flow through You, yet You always acknowledging within yourself, that it is
HIM, the Holy Spirit, the Lord from Heaven that enables you and causes you to
be one with His Son as Co-Heirs, and as HIS SON in this world.
We are His habitation. That body. That help-mate. And we are so, only through His Son, Jesus
Christ, which is the power of God…. now in us so creation can be set free. Romans 8:14-23