Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Ultimate Offering

Malachi 3:10-12
It is more than money... in understanding we see that Jesus Christ has given Himself For Us, and In That Giving, That Offering unto the Lord, we too are blessed and able to say "In the Sacrifice and Offering of Jesus Christ... in This We Give to You Father Ourselves" Amen.... for All Your Desire. Amen.

In Abraham, it is said, that even his unborn offspring … it was accounted unto them as giving to the Lord, even though they were not born yet.

So it is in Christ Jesus, it is accounted unto Righteousness towards us in His Giving of Himself…. and we reap of the ultimate sacrifice and offering unto our Lord, and Father.

This is intense, and deep, and I pray that the revelation of His word here will destroy all that is not God and Righteousness, and set you free,… running and rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ  daily.! Amen.

Happy Resurrection Day!


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