Friday, May 13, 2011

Taking the Next Step…

When you Understand what God is doing, then Faith can go forward in assurance that you are on the right path and not being mislead.

But what about when God doesn’t show you or let you know what is up, but just shows enough for the next step… 

Then FAITH walks in TRUST of God’s thoughts toward you …  HOPE and LOVE…
KNOWING that God Loves you and desires His GOOD WILL and JOY and GLORY to be yours too… and sooooo much more of the Life of His Son Jesus Christ does He desire for you to share today in this age, and all ages to come.

FAITH, HOPE, TRUST, LOVE…. WALKING in the Security of God’s Heart towards us.  His Will (GRACE) for us is to prosper in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and LIFE.

God, our Father, wills us out of sin and death, decay and misery, sickness and dis-ease, and all forms of unrighteousness… and into His Abundant Life of Love, Liberty, Justice, Purity, Wholeness, Completeness, Contentment, Joy, Success, Wealth….. Abundance, Abundance, Abundance In and Of and By His Eternal Life (Spirit) that is working in our inner man. (Ephesians 3:16-17)

Through the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, we enter into Eternal Life… Grace abounding instead of sin and Life abundance instead of death and separation from God. 

As God is Receiving us, and every son that is in Christ Jesus, He corrects along the path, as we enter into His Kingdom. Yet HIS Correction is to bring forth more of His Life, and not to destroy our souls.  He desires HIS VERY BEST FOR US.  !!!  And that is what He Gave Us in Christ Jesus.

God has given His very best for us, so even though we don’t have to give back to receive His blessing, why don’t we do that anyway… out of love.  

Besides, He has bought us with His Son’s blood, so He Owns Us.  So submitting to Him in Love will nurture that relationship with our Hero and Savior and allow Him to interact with us, for the benefits of others.  

Yes, we are His Vessel to work through, but more than that.  Why not allow His Will to be done in us, which is John 3:3-5 … Being Born Again of His Water and Spirit, so that we are Family for Him to commune in Love with.   Not the kind of dysfunctional family in earth that most of us have, but the one that is made out of the Son Jesus Christ.  

Jesus even says that His true family is the ones that do His Father’s Will.  Look at this verse …

Matthew 12:48-50 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? 49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! 50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

That’s intense!  He wasn’t rejecting His earthen family, but He was making a point, and it is a lesson to learn.  So, just love God with all your heart, soul, and body, submitting to Him and letting His fruit come forth in our lives to each other.  Galatians 5 is worth reading here:

Galatians 5: all  *22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another….

If a family member is misbehaving, you don’t have to stay around them or deal with them, but you do need to love and pray for them.  

Let them go, and let the Father intervene in that situation so they can have His Righteousness affect them and bring forth a change.  

Meanwhile, you don’t have to interact with them, and get hurt, and bruised, etc… 

Go enjoy your life in the Lord, and be strong in His Love… then you will be better strengthened to handle them that are still in their unregenerate state.  Some you can’t be around at all, but the Lord will instruct you along the way. Meanwhile, go forward and let the Lord have His way through you.

Seek the Kingdom of God, let His Life be revealed to you as you commune with the Holy Spirit.  Enjoy your time and life in Him.

Allow the Lord to take you to the next step of His Glory, so that more of His Life will swallow up your mortality, and the “birthing” of more of His Abundant Life can come forth in and through each one of us…. unto thanksgiving to God from us all.

Taking the Next Step….  Hang on to His Love for you, and know that there is His reason for you being here, and even though you may not understand it….  He will work it to completion.  Meanwhile, nourish your relationship with Him.  Spend time with Him alone….  Allow Him to make a Difference in Your life.


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