Saturday, June 25, 2011

Health and Wealth

"Health and Wealth" Now I see why the rich man could not enter the Kingdom of God!!! He couldn't give up his false god of "money"... money was his identity.... money determined his steps... what would he have if he gave up all his effort and success (false as it was)?

He would have had the PERFECT ONE - SON OF GOD - JESUS CHRIST - GOD'S LAMB. And this one has it ALL: in Heaven and Earth… all belongs to Him. And He was willing to share it all with the rich man that was poor, but the riches of the world, the world's vision of success BLINDED him of the TRUE RICHES OF THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST.

Let Jesus Christ be the HEAD of your company. The working of your business and ideas. Submit to Him who is the Head of all that is in Heaven and Earth. Be not deceived.

Will God cause you to lose all, once you submit to HIM? Maybe. But then it will to have been for the sole purpose of GAINING IT ALL, yet the STRUCTURE of your life's operation would have changed.... You would be second, Christ FIRST... THEN you will be BLESSED BEYOND all expectation.

So, Will you give your life to Jesus Christ today? Can You sense HIS LOVE and CARE for YOU? Can You See the TRUTH of HIS WORKING in your life? It is for PEACE, and not evil. It is that you may have THE TRUE LIFE that lasts forever. ETERNAL LIFE is who Jesus Christ is, not a place. It is the WEALTH AND HEALTH for all to be BLESSED with.

Ask Jesus to forgive you of sin... sin is anything that is not Faith in all that He is. Give up all your life just means to "PUT THE LORD FIRST IN ALL THE REASONS OF YOUR DOINGS AND MOTIVES FOR YOUR DOINGS."

Ask Jesus to abide in your heart and take over, and use you in any way He wants to.

You will be surprised at the blessings that flow. The True Riches of Wealth and Health are abiding In Jesus Christ, and waiting for all that are willing to receive Him, to ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.... TODAY.

The wealth and health of the earthen realm are empty and deceptive. But when the Lord our Father causes HIS Wealth and Health to fill all your heaven realm AND Earthen realm.... wow!.... Then His Will accomplished is our Fullness. He already Owns it all, and will distribute to each soul as He desires.

As Jesus prayed as shown in Matthew 6:10 "...Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

Well, He caused His Kingdom to come… birthed it in during that generation as was purposed. His Kingdom is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17). So did and is the Holy Ghost come? Yes. Then His kingdom is come. NOW, like He said back then, even now this age must press in to His Kingdom of RPJ in the Holy Ghost.

Luke 16:16 shows us "The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it."

Luke 17:20-21 "...the kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

Jesus accomplished the establishing of His Kingdom in heaven first, then brought it into the earth in himself first (after resurrection) and then into the saints that were in that age and generation back then. Now from age to age His Kingdom is preached, and from age to age... we that are hearing His Voice, rise up out of our graves and enter on in to His kingdom - His Will Done on Earth, as in Heaven. AMEN.

Now Receive Jesus Christ the Prophet, Priest, and King after the order of Melchisedec and ENTER into the kingdom of God, by being born of His Spirit and Water/Word. Ephesians 5:26-27 "...being born by the washing of the water, by the word." Not John's baptism, for it served its purpose in revealing Jesus Christ to Israel;... but NOW be baptized in the baptism of Jesus Christ, and repent by asking Him to forgive and release you from sin, everything you've done that was not of the Faith of and in the Son of God.

Be Washed in Jesus Christ daily, and ENTER into His Kingdom... the Present Truth.

Eat of the Bread of Life and Drink of His Blood, Wine, Spirit UNTIL you see the fullness of your Savior, Salvation, Resurrection in your own face.

Let the King of Glory enter in and bring you to His Land of Promise. Those that are alive today and enter, will be meeting those that have already put down their earthen vessel... for they are already with the Lord and their works did follow them.

But you are still in the field and have an opportunity to walk as Jesus walked after the resurrection.!. It is His Will. I will help you as much as the Lord allows. Allow Him to help you by using His many gifts and administrations that are set in His body... for this very cause.

Reconciliation. Redemption.

Today is Your Day... Let Him Have Your spirit, soul, and body for HIS Purpose... and to your Joy and Peace.


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