Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God’s Clean Up Vessels

Are you in need of a Spiritual Vacuum cleaner or a weed (debris) blower?

Is it time to be a spiritual vacuum cleaner that sucks up the dirt from the feet of those that have trampled into your “living room”?  Then discards it in the garbage.

or Is it time to be that weed and debris blower that blows the path clean before you?

Ask the Holy Spirit to be your vacuum cleaner and weed blower to clean up your living space and path He has you on, so your journey can be more “in joy-able”.  Of course, you will have to participate in that cleanup….

The Holy Spirit In you Is The Only Power that will do the job perfectly.

You have become (and some are becoming) the Lord’s Word, that vacuum cleaner or weed blower,  that will affect your dwelling and the dwelling of others, as the Lord moves in their lives…

Thank you Father!


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