John 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, Verily, I
say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood,
ye have no life in you.
When Adam sinned, life left Him. Adam was dead. He died.
That’s what God told him would happen
if He ate the fruit of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Yet Adam still walked….. but in a
different mindset… a different realm… dominion… outside the garden (outside of God’s
Let’s look at this for a moment….
Adam was in the Garden… placed in
God’s special place of communion (God’s mind, Spirit that is Holy).
It was/is
a place of Life. When Adam disobeyed God (sinned), he died and
they were cast out of the garden… kingdom… out of the place of righteousness,
peace, and joy which is IN the Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17.
That is The
Place where we can commune with God; where we receive from God. Any place outside the garden/kingdom was a
place of “struggle.” Life had left
Adam. Death ruled in him now.
Only by having the Holy Spirit within
us, can we have any HOPE of knowing or understanding the things of God. This Spirit IS God. This Spirit Is Eternal Life. It is the Spirit of the Son.
His arm reached into our soul and
ANCHORS us, as He reconciles us to Himself…. causes Us to ENTER through the
veil of the temple, which is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, who is the
last Adam that in His righteousness and obedience, perfected the WAY back to
the Father and kingdom for all that would believe in Him.
In the old testament only the High
Priest was able to enter this place, through the door/veil and with many
instructions in doing so.
Today, we have Jesus Christ, our High
Priest and King, after the order of Melchisedec, consecrated by God’s word/oath
to be our Priest forever.
That Priest enters into communion with
the Father always on our behalf: Intercessor, Mediator between God and Man. But
even then, Jesus told the apostles, you can now pray to the Father yourself,
once I’m gone… In His name, His authority, His blessing, etc… In respect of the
Son of God, and by His power we are granted the riches of His glory. Co-Heirs with the Son now in the glory of the
Father. Humbling and Awesome this is!
We can come boldly unto the throne of
grace, by the blood of the Lamb, in the name of the Son, your High Priest… we
come through the door, the veil which is the FLESH OF THE SON, AND EAT AND
of Righteousness where we can have perfect Communion and Rest and Provision of
God who is now our Father.
The Place where LIFE Swallows up our
mortality – death. And we are restored,
reconciled, redeemed back to the Father of spirits, the Father of light, and
can Walk in Life, and Life In Us abounds again.
We are Restored back to the Father….
with our mind and soul full and occupied by the presence of the Lamb: the blood
and body of Jesus Christ.
When Adam sinned “LIFE left him”…. The
Father Left Him… when Jesus was on the cross,
The Father left Him at that moment that Sin had entered in… He became sin for
us, who knew no sin…. only then would the Father Ever Leave or Forsake
Him. It was Evident now, It was
Done. Finished. The Lamb had taken on the sin of the world… death
was accomplished. The full payment of Sin was PAID IN FULL for the benefit of
all that would Receive HIM. (John 1:12, 2 Cor 5:21, and many, many other
Now as you receive Jesus Christ, the
Lamb of God, YOUR debt of Sin is PAID IN FULL too. And as the appearing of the RESURRECTION,
Jesus Christ, in Your Soul is encountered and experienced, then you can step
OUT of your prison of defeat (whatever mindset: spiritual or physical or
natural) you may have and STEP INTO THE GARDEN OF GOD, God’s mind and heart. Enter
His Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Eternal Life
will swallow up all death, and the struggles are overcome in Victory.
Now the Restoration could commence….
In Your Soul, which is God’s property, without sin… it belongs to God. This is God’s Garden…. every soul. That is
why there needs to be a renewing of your mind, so your soul may Produce LIFE
ETERNAL… BRING FORTH THE SON, Jesus Christ. His identity and thinking and
character… But this can only be done by THAT HOLY SPIRIT... the same one that
RAISED Jesus from the grave… if that one be in you, then you too ARE BEING
BROUGHT FORTH of that same seed, which is Christ. His Life will be revealed through you. Romans
But even Today in Grace of Jesus
Christ, any Soul that has not RECEIVED LIFE, is still Dead… for sin still works
in the un-regenerated soul. Let Jesus
Christ forgive you…. free you from death, decay and those carnal spirits that
cause the problems in the world. Let’s
clean up God’s land! RECEIVE JESUS
CHRIST and ENTER INTO the Kingdom by the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of
the world.
Then we all can ENJOY our
neighborhoods and each other even more.
Be Reconciled to the Father and enjoy
His Kingdom Life Today.