Monday, January 16, 2012

Who Are You?

Who are you?  If your job was gone, who would you be?

If all your possessions (house, kids, spouse, material items) disappeared down the “drain” (flood, fire, hurricane, tornado...) Who would you be?

If your Identity is in anything other than the Lord, you could lose everything.

If your Identity is in the Lord, you never lose. 

Even your identity is preserved, for you are submitted and joined to the husbandman that owns it all.

His love never fails.  His provision is complete in all areas of existence: spiritually, physically, monetarily, and materially. His Kingdom is established and will never go bankrupt, in any way.  When He gives, He doesn’t take back. Yet when He takes and changes your life, He adds better. Loyalty and Faithfulness to Him only is a requirement, yet even in this, His Love was first for us which causes us to love Him... the best we know how.  He has provided a security and way to His riches and glory that exceed all you could possibly think of.... and the list goes on....

When what you do becomes your identity, and what you have states who you are, then you are in a vulnerable place, if it’s not founded in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Who Are You?

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