Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until
John...... since that time the kingdom
of God is preached and every man presseth in to it.
The law and prophets were up to
John’s time, then Christ Jesus came forth and preached the kingdom of God which
is righteousness, peace, and joy IN the Holy Ghost. He was establishing the new
law which was a working of the Spirit, not the flesh. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ
Jesus. This law makes us free from the
law of sin and death.
Romans 8:2 For the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
The law over all today is
different from the law of sin and death. The law of sin and death was a working
of the flesh and it was to reveal sin which produced death.
The law today is the Law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and it is a working of the Spirit to reveal
Righteousness and produce Life. This is what the Spirit of Life did through His
Son. It was a working of Faith in the
Son to believe the Father...even unto death... for the accomplishment of all
righteousness and judgment under the law of sin and death via the last Adam,
and the bringing in of the 2nd Man “generation”: Lord from heaven,
quickening spirit, the new man that is without sin. Restored back to the
Father, yet not with the old “wineskin” but birthed again in a new identity
from God: His Son, the eternal Lamb of God.
Redemption and Reconciliation is
only in, by and of the blood and body of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
We reap of the benefits from His
work by having faith in God, and in the one that God has sent: Jesus Christ the
Lamb of God. As we have faith and believe
in God’s Word of Salvation for us, we walk and behave according to that Spirit
of Truth and Life that is now working in us to do that same thing in us: raise
us from our own graves of sin and death, and remove from us the carnal spirit
of the first man Adam, as the quickening Spirit of the Lord sits upon His
throne in each of us as Lord and Savior.
The working of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus
was successful in raising Him from the grave, death and sin, and is the same Spirit working in us to raise us up
successfully out of our grave of sin and death.... TODAY... by being born
Jesus began telling people that
they must be born again of His Spirit and Water because this was the only way
that they could enter His kingdom or even see His kingdom. (John 3:3-8 here water means natural birth, see what Nicodemus said in verse 4, Jesus responded in v5)
Romans 14:17 tells us that the
Kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but is righteousness, peace, and joy In
the Holy Ghost. So if you have received
and are sealed of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) then you have the Kingdom of God in
you too.... BUT now you must Enter into Righteousness, Peace, and Joy.
Another way to say this is – Now
is the time to be awakened or realize who Jesus Christ is in you. And as you
behold Him,... see Him,.... come to the understanding and revelation of who He
is abiding In you, then at that moment.... in the twinkling of an eye... you
too are changed into the same identity with Him, and are risen and seated with
Him who is the Resurrection and Life and Lamb of God: Your Salvation and
The Holy Ghost in you Is the Father and the Lamb/Son of God ... In
the Full Benefit of your Salvation and Victory and Liberty!!
The Holy Spirit is come in you to awaken you, a little at a time, unto this Truth and cause you to See and Enter His Kingdom. (John 14:20-23)
The law and the prophets were
until John, since that time the kingdom of God is preached.... and every man
presseth into it. Luke 16:16
Press On In.... to Righteousness
Peace and Joy that is in the Holy Ghost... now in you.
Christ Jesus In You is your Hope
of Glory.
Colossians 1:26-27 Even the mystery which hath been hid from
ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God
would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles;
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:....
You cannot enter into the Kingdom
of God without Jesus. He is the Way, He
is the Truth that we worship the Father by, He is the LIFE of the Father In us
– God’s record of the Son revealed and witnessed in our souls by His Holy Spirit
(1 John 5:4-15).
The Spirit of Life that was in
Christ Jesus was the Father who is speaking LIFE in the hearts of man. BREATHING LIFE into their souls so that they,
who are dead, could hear His voice and come out of their grave.... they were
the walking dead, bones dry and dissembled... They were still in their sin.
They were separated from LIFE. A Savior
was needed. Worthy is the Lamb for He
was able to Open the Book of Life... for all!
So the Law that is working today
is the working of the Spirit that is holy and dwells in the hearts of those
that have received the Witness of the Father of His Son. He is ruling over all. He has established Grace, with correction if
needed, to abound towards our unrighteousness, and declare the Righteousness of
the Son to be our sufficiency to make us free and eternally joined to the
Father, yet only through the Son. The
Lamb of God is alive forever more, and His Blood is sufficient to establish us
holy in God’s eyes.... justified...unblameable... innocent! Hallelujah!!!
ONLY through and by the Spirit of
Life that is in Christ Jesus can any be born of and have any hope of entering
into an inheritance that is exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or
think of with the Father in His Kingdom.
Thank you Father for removing
from us the spirit of the carnal man, and establishing in us the Spirit of Life
that is in Jesus Christ... the anchor and hope of our souls.
When the Father speaks of the Son
within our souls, it is eternal Life being breathed in to us... Reviving Us in
the Resurrection and Life.
Receive the Son and Enter into
His Kingdom. (John 3:3-5; Ephesians 5:26-27; 1 Peter 1:22-23)