Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Debt Free

Our debt was owed to GOD... But God was willing to erase it, but the cost was of a great price ...
In Christ Jesus we are Eternally Infinitely Free Indeed.  There is nothing that can separate us from this liberty…. Except disbelief…. And even in that, the liberty is still here and done…completely….finished… awaiting for the trumpet to sound in your heart and Faith to appear and GRACE to abound on your behalf, causing your disbelief to flee and LIBERTY appear, erasing your debt to the Lord for your sin.
Yes, you were indebted to the Lord God.  The price of sin is death.  Your soul that sinned was destined to die.  There was no way around that.  Even the elect walked in fear and bondage because of this.  The debt was too big for the flesh to handle.
But God had a plan from the beginning and had purposed that as a man caused the fall, by a man will the rise and standing upright again be caused.  And so, the Last Adam walked in obedience and righteousness prevailed over all souls again.  This Last Adam was and is the Second man, known as the Lord from Heaven who is the Quickening Spirit that makes all mankind and creation alive again…. forever.  Jesus Christ, God’s Lamb and Blood to pay the full price of sin for every soul according to the flesh, and God’s Word of Salvation in the Fullness according to the Spirit that is Life.
Now a new law has been established and is reigning over all.  The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus prevails over all throughout all eternity.  Done Deal. Finished Work.  In this new law there is liberty from sin and death and sickness and lack, etc…  In this new law we are debt free.  No more bondage nor fear.  A new Life comes forth (birthed) through our souls/mind, producing the exact character/fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT that is God that is Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Only disbelief from not understanding can keep you from this awesome liberty.  Only disbelief from not knowing can also keep you out…. Till God sends His Gifts to you to minister His Liberty to you and speak His Word into your ear and then it happens…. You hear what you didn’t hear before… and Faith appears in the FACE OF GRACE and TRUTH: Jesus Christ appears in your heart/soul.  Disbelief is being dissolved away.  Hallelujah! 
You begin to experience your liberty and freedom from debt.  An awesome feeling.  An awesome reality!
There’s a new law in your heart and it’s not leaving.  There’s a new Spirit in your heart ruling and reigning and His name is The Word of God.  The Holy Spirit...Spirit of TRUTH.  God our Father. Jesus Christ. Lamb of God. ...And so many names of this one God who has created our Salvation and has become our Savior and Lord.
He is now head and King over us.  He is our Priest to guide us and administer this AWESOME GRACE that is full of an ever flowing river of eternal forgiveness in His blood.  We are redeemed.  Ransom paid in full.
We are debt free, yet you may not feel it or see it to be so.  Sin is no longer able to hurt us. Death can no longer work in us.  Health is become our new nature…Divine Life.   Victory in every situation is settled. (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)
Yet in our life we press on and there are times it seems this liberty has failed… yet it is still working in our member.  It is still speaking volumes of the Righteousness of His Presence in us.  Yet all carnality is being shaken and falling away…  We are just stepping into the next level of His Life and less and less of that sin nature is manifesting. The carnal mind is passing away… THE WORD OF GOD is CUTTING AWAY the FLESH (mind) so that HE the true HEAD is revealed and our new life is manifested.
In the natural financial realm we can get out of debt and just as easy get back into debt.  But in Christ Jesus once you have been freed from sin, and His new LAW of Liberty is established in your heart, then GRACE replaces sin, and GRACE abounds constantly declaring His righteousness on your behalf so you by faith are filled with the fullness of God.  He has secured and assured the process of being born again… you cannot fail, because He cannot fail.  You hit the mark… BECAUSE HE HIT THE MARK FOR US.  GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.  Our debt to God is PAID IN FULL.
VICTORY has arrived.  Your prison door unlocked.  Don’t just stand there…. WALK IN FAITH WITH YOUR EYES SET ON JESUS CHRIST GOD’S LAMB… and you will be changed into the image of His Son… united together forever as One Body with One Head who is the LORD.
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God…. let the Spirit of Truth speak within you and unveil to you who He is, then your eyes will be opened and you will see that it was He all along… in your midst… changing you out of your death clothes, and 
into His Divine Nature of the Second Man and Glorious LIFE of glory and virtue. (2 Cor 3:18, 2 Peter 1:2-4)
Your debt of sin is death and you owed it to God…. But His MERCY saved you when it appeared in the FACE OF GRACE and TRUTH… JESUS CHRIST.  Now That HOLY SPIRIT most precious and true is the Power of God working in you to raise you up out of your grave, just as He did with the Last Adam, revealing the Second Man, our New HEAD and LORD.
Now we follow Him... as the body is birthed after the head, so are we…for He has caused us to be His presence and fullness that “filleth all in all” … in heaven and earth, AND is without sin.
Abide in Christ… Walk in Liberty.

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