Sunday, January 10, 2016

God Has Removed the First to Establish the Second

God has not “forsaken” natural Jerusalem but He has “removed the first” to “establish the second.”  The NEW JERUSALEM is of the Spirit of the Lord and is a heavenly body (wife of the Lamb).  Those that are going back into the elements of the first in rituals, ordinances, laws, Sabbaths, moons, etc are in error.

The only Way of LIFE and TRUTH is through the Son Jesus Christ, and He made all things NEW.  ALL SOULS must come through HIM.

The way to the Father is Not through natural Jerusalem or natural Israel, it is through the One and Only Son of God Jesus Christ.  Yet in knowing that Jesus Christ came out of the tribe of Judah, and so the natural Jerusalem and natural Israel are not to be despised but rather respected and loved, but not worshipped.  Salvation came through that ONE SEED who is JESUS CHRIST, and HE fulfilled the first which was a working of the flesh, so that He could remove it out of the way, and establish the second order which is NEW in all elements and aspects of Jesus Christ who is made a priest and king after the order of Melchisedec and faith.   Grace and Forgiveness abounds through His Righteousness unto Eternal life for all that come to Him with a repentive heart.  Now is Salvation....The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is working in our souls now, and throughout the entire world.


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