Saturday, April 15, 2017

Resurrection....Planting of the LORD

God created man out of the earth, then God Sowed Man in the Earth (for a Harvest, the planting of the Lord, Righteousness).  This is a message for the “called out ones”:
God created man out of the earth, then God Sowed Man in the Earth, Then Man Died…… (because sin appeared).
1 Corinthians 15:36  Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
Adam died, then Jesus appeared in the Earth and took it from there, according to the Father’s plan.
Then Jesus died, then was buried 3 days and Rose up and out of the grave of death….
… walk on the Earth As The First Quickened One, and walked for 40 days in His sin-freed Glorious Body.
He Walked This Earth in His Victory as our Propitiation and Eternal Sacrifice of God: The Lamb of God that TOOK AWAY all sin.  And Now Takes Away Your Sin if you also Receive Him into your Heart.
The Lamb of God and Blood is our Strength and Ability to RISE from a Body of Sin.  He is the key to unlock us from the sting of death and strength of sin.  Now we that have the Holy Spirit in us, can abide in Christ Jesus, and Walk in This Earth Victorious, as God’s many member Body that is married, joined to Jesus Christ by the Blood of the Lamb of God.  Or can say married to the Lamb by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
We were Dead in Sin and Died because of sin.
Jesus Appeared to You in the Breath of God (God’s Word – Jesus Christ), and You Received His Breath of Life: SON.
Now your Spirit is Alive in Christ and Christ Jesus in you.
But the Body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness in Christ Jesus.  Our Victor and Overcomer of all things.  By Grace through Faith in the Son of God.  For by grace are ye saved through faith;… Eph 2:8.
Now……….  Romans 8:9-11
The Same Spirit (holy) that raised Jesus from the grave is abiding in you and doing the same thing to you……… raising you out of your death…..QUICKENING you and RAISING you in a Glorious Body in Christ Jesus, without sin.  For You Were Dead, but NOW MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST JESUS. !
1 Corinthians 15; Romans 8:9-11
So as Jesus Christ was the First to have walked the Earth in His Glorious Body without sin, as the First Risen from the dead, So, Now You/Me/We are HIS BODY and TEMPLE….the Body of Christ Jesus…..Manifested sons of the SON of God that is to also Walk in this earth without sin….Redeemed of the Lord…Reconciled to God…. Kings and priests unto God, in Christ Jesus.
Declaring His Righteousness…..  To Set Others Free!
Romans 8:9-11  v11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
For this cause the Father and Son, God’s fullness, is come in you: that Holy Spirit…. To be your assurance and confidence that what God has begun in you, HE will Complete.  Guaranteed in the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.   For Jesus Christ is HEAD of your LIFE.  He is The Resurrection and Righteousness planted in you!  God's harvest and inheritance.
Happy Resurrection Day!


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