Ephesians 2:5-6 Even when we were dead in sins, hath QUICKENED US TOGETHER WITH CHRIST, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath RAISED US UP TOGETHER, and made US SIT TOGETHER IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS:...
Oh Blessed are the ears that hear and the eyes that see the glory of the Lord in you and me....Together! BLESSINGS TO THE BODY OF CHRIST JESUS: our Head who is THE RESURRECTION AND LIFE ..... GOD'S WILL IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH...RULING AND REIGNING AND BLESSING THOSE THAT WILL RECEIVE HIM...and EVEN THOSE THAT DON'T RECEIVE HIM!
For God our Father causes it to rain on the just and unjust...... POWER AND LOVE ...ETERNAL LIFE manifested....producing after THE SEED of GOD: Jesus the Christ of God.
Perfect Harmony!