Saturday, July 29, 2017

Being Perfect

Some people that are Christians have said that you don’t have to be perfect. Well today the Lord gave His understanding on this mentality.
In my morning time I had this thought that I mentioned above and so I told the Lord that I’m just not perfect every time at doing all things.  Some things I’m on it, but I’m just not perfect all the time.  The Lord spoke in my heart and said “but I am.”
So this evening the Lord pulls me into a conversation with Him and here is what His message is:
I am perfect, so I want you to be perfect as your Father is perfect.  It is not the Father’s will that we “slack” in character, and think that it is okay to go off on someone, or manifest the carnal nature .  He wants us to pursue Him and His character.  Allow His Holy Spirit in your innerman to transform you by the renewing of your mind and circumcising your heart….daily.
This means you will need to allow the Lord to put you in situations so His character can manifest through you to others.  You yielding to produce His fruit and obey His word as the Holy Spirit leads in each circumstance.  Putting off the old man in its conversation and behavior, and seeking the Lord’s way to behave. 
We live in and under His Grace now, and there is correction in the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.  His Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ is complete.  Lacks nothing.  Life is ours.  God is satisfied and His wrath is no longer coming at us.  We now have peace with God forever.
But babes in Christ Jesus can be carnal, the scriptures show us.  So as the Holy Spirit is washing us in the Word of God, and circumcising our hearts from that carnal mind/spirit, if we do not submit ourselves… our actions and behavior and thoughts to His will, then our loving Wise Father Will correct us in His love so to bring forth more of His life in us and through us.  And His correction is not to destroy us, but rather to destroy the adversary that is causing the problem. Amen.  Then more of His Glory will shine forth in us and through us. Becoming One with the Perfect One.
His Righteousness and Grace sustains us.  Freed us from condemnation.  But the Father Will correct His own so that more of His divine nature flows, and the carnal falls off and is separated from us…forever.  But the process of growing up isn’t always easy… as we learn to be obedient in Grace.  His Eternal Love and Forgiveness is abundant through our Savior Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.  His Love never fails. 
One time I was so upset with certain ones for the way they treated me, so I vented quite strongly about it.  My heavenly Father corrected me strongly by causing me to all of a sudden become nauseous and had to quickly use the restroom.  He had shut my mouth, His way.  I asked the Lord to stop this, and He said in the morning you will be fine.  I asked why that happened, and He said that it didn’t matter what they did, but I have to be responsible for my own actions and venting like I did was not the right way.  I told Him I didn’t know how to behave any other way. I was only use to behaving this way when attacked.  So I asked Him how should I behave.  He said, just love them.  My heart sunk for a moment, and told Him I will but please show me how…. He did. Then I stepped forward in my spirit to love them.  And then immediately my heart changed.  In the morning I was well again.
So ask the Lord to help you, show you… His way to behave… His MIND.  And let His holy Spirit work in your innerman to transform you.  You will feel so much better.  I sure did.  And I’m daily learning of my precious Lord and big Brother.  The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Teacher of who Christ Jesus is and we His body.  Co-Heirs of God with Christ Jesus. Blessed!
When we are raised in dysfunctional families, those behaviors can only be changed by the Lord showing you the right way, and you yielding to Him.  You have to have His holy Spirit working in you.  And if you are truly needing Deliverance from an unrighteous spirit then He will deliver you in His way that will not put you in a worse situation.
Read Matthew 5:48 (read all of Matthew 5 and Matthew 6)
V48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
This is God’s Will for every soul.  Let His Light Shine.  Be Reconciled to God and be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the Holy Spirit in the Word that is Jesus Christ.

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