Monday, July 3, 2017

Now, Today...

Christ Jesus has already established our Victory over the devil and its works. (Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8-11)
Now, Today we walk by Faith of Him and Administer His Word, that is Spirit and Life, in to every situation He causes us to be in. That Word is the Father's Word which has Settled all issues.

Believe His Word. Trust Him. Have Faith in God.

Christ Jesus has already obtained this victory, and is now ruling and reigning over all.

He is appearing in the hearts of man/woman to establish His Kingdom in those souls that He has drawn to Him.

He is training them and disciplining them and causing them to grow up in Him, in all things.

There are many scriptures to confirm this.

Those that have the Spirit of Christ in them are His.... His body to work through... His help mate...

Allow the Son to shine in you and through you.  Submit to the Head who is Lord, King, Priest and the Savior of all.


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