Friday, September 1, 2017

Prophecy Revival 2017

Prophecy Revival 2017

40 days and 40 nights, did you think it wasn't possible?..yes Noah's day happened ....

Receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior and Enter into the Ark of Safety who is Jesus Christ, abiding in the Holy Spirit, while the Lord is cleaning up and drawing all souls to Him. (just thinking and listening and talking with the Lord)

There was a washing of the world by the Word of God before the Lamb went to the cross ... now there's a washing of the USA before the Lamb's Revival comes. What you've been praying for is about to happen.


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Born of God Cannot Sin

If you are born of God, you cannot sin.  You can be corrected for things that you do which are out of the carnal mind and not from the Ho...

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