Jesus Christ is God’s Word that was manifested as a man, a Jew, having been born of a virgin. The very breath of God made manifest in man. And He is now come in our souls as our Savior. He has forgiven us of our sin, and given us so much more.
All the fullness of God is in him while in the earth man. He was all God and all man. Then He repaired the breach by sin of the first Adam, and took over command. Jesus Christ is in charge now. All that He is affects us and makes us whole.
He is the Way for us to be one with the Father again, without sin, and to live a new life which is His Life. He is our head and we are His many membered body.
We can trust the Word of God in every situation.
Jesus Christ is Lord over all. He is King and Priest over all. He made all things new. A new law works in our members. He is the anchor of our soul as we enter in to the presence of the Father.
Peace is here in God’s word. His blood always speaks righteousness, on our behalf.
Eating of His body and drinking of His blood, allows us to commune through the Son as one with the Father.