Monday, July 23, 2018

Obedience In All Things

Obedience in All things… to God be the Glory and even obedience in when to share your testimony of His Awesomeness and Wonderfulness.

Sometimes God wants to do a miracle for you without you making a public spectacle with it.  Just between you and Him.  But rather waiting for the Lord to tell you when to share that testimony, and let the Lord decided when to glory in it or not.  Be still and know God has heard your prayers. Be still and know the victory is yours through the Blood of Jesus and by His stripes you are healed and Christ Jesus has taken away your infirmities and bare our sicknesses…. Sin and death is removed and Grace abounds in His Righteousness. Jesus Christ has destroyed the devil and the works of the devil so it is where Jesus resides in the Father, now in you… and you in Jesus in the Father. Amen.

Obedience.  Even in this that you are going through.  Obedience in when to testify and glory of His Wonderful Miracles.

Continue to pray for each other.  Continue to ask for others to stand with you… But even in this, ask the Lord what He and How He would like to do this.

Let the Blood of Jesus Speak in your soul….


(Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8-9; Matthew 8:17; Psalm 103:1-6;  1 Peter 2:24-25; Hebrews 12:24; and many other scriptures to confirm what the Spirit of the Lord is saying)

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