Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blood of Jesus was Poured Out

The Blood of Jesus Christ was poured out on the earth.  Why did God have that happen?  Because the first Adam had sinned, and his body was formed of the earth.  And when he sinned, that action polluted the creation that he had been put in charge of.  Because of the sin, God’s punishment to the man Adam was to curse the ground and make it a struggle to live all his days outside the garden of God. This affected all his generations.

So God had cursed the ground and declared Adam to struggle for the rest of his days. And not just him, but all that was produced after him, for Eve was the mother of all living.  Sin and death were abounding.

But God had an expression of hope toward man when Noah came along.  After the flood, Noah gave a sacrifice unto the Lord and the Lord was pleased and blessed Noah with a new covenant.

But then the LORD God instructed them not to eat anything with the blood in it, or drink it, because life was in the blood.  And the blood was to be used for the altar for God’s atonement of the soul.  The blood was and is sacred and holy.

So when Jesus gave up His Spirit to God and His body died, God was pleased with the finished work of His Salvation.  This was the Perfect Sacrifice to resolve all sin issues from the first Adam and Eve.

The water and blood of Jesus poured out of His side and touched the cursed ground.  Atonement…done.  Curse on the ground paid for in full, as well as the curse to the woman.  But now they would have to receive the blessing of God by receiving the Son of God as the Eternal Lamb Sacrifice.

God’s free Gift of Salvation…Atonement in Full

Atonement on the natural “altar” where God had made man out of the dust of the earth. 
At the Cross…. The altar of sacrifice…  His Blood on the posts…  Jesus had now corrected the fall of the first Adam.  A man’s life for a man’s life.

Now the Second Man arises from the dust, as the Quickening Spirit, the Lord from Heaven. Ruling and Reigning in Heaven and in Earth. 

All things are made new.

Now as we have accepted and received the Son of God as God’s Eternal Lamb Sacrifice, we are sealed with His Holy Spirit, and are entering in to His Kingdom and Presence, which He prepared for us.

By His body, and blood, and Spirit we too are freed from the sin, death, the devil and the curse; and are become one with the New man, whom is the Second Man the Lord from heaven, the quickening Spirit of God.  HE is ruling and reigning in the new heaven and in new earth and over all Creation.


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