Friday, April 12, 2019

Forgive Them Too

Forgiveness for another is what Jesus is all about. There are multi facets to Forgiveness, but in Christ Jesus as the Lamb of God there is eternal forgiveness and promises of a change in our soul that transforms our life and makes us walk in His Life as the Righteousness of God, and in Peace. A place of His Honor and Glory. And He wants us to share in His Life with Him where He is.

Forgiveness for another doesn't mean what they did was okay, but rather you desire the Father's heart and purpose for all souls. To let the Lord Jesus and His Righteousness in their heart, and stop the violence in the land (all souls)....see destruction no more. (Isaiah 60:18) You desire for that soul to share in the life of Jesus Christ too.

When you forgive the offender, you are allowing your soul to be free from the offense and be healed, as well as allowing others to be healed and free, if they will accept Jesus....That is God's purpose in Christ Jesus. Jesus paid the price for all to be forgiven and freed, if they will accept and believe in Him.

Luke 11:4 (Jesus' Prayer) And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us. ....

Father please heal the offended and the offender.
Let Righteousness flow and the fruit of righteousness which is Peace flow in all souls, especially of God’s own household.

Forgive them .... Let vengeance stay in the Lord's hands. Ask the Lord to help you forgive them, let them go, and stop being in bondage with them. Walk in the Lord Jesus' love and forgiveness and be free. God will fix every thing else concerning the situation. Just ask Him. Let Righteousness and Peace flow.

In Jesus name, Amen.


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