(video at YouTube Ministry of Prayer of Faith & The Word
of God)
This is a word from the Lord that the Church needs to go
through a repentance. So each member of
the body of Christ Jesus is to ask the Lord is there anything they need to
repent from.
The reason the Lord is wanting repentance of the church
right now, is because He wants to give more of His Goodness. But HE KNOWS what
is going on in a bigger view than we can see it. So I know to TRUST HIM when HE SAYS to do
something, there is a GOOD reason behind it.
So please be obedient to Him. He
wants the church to operate in More of HIM.
And the creature and creation will Reap of the Lord’s Goodness through
us! That’s exciting! He’s clearing the way for Him to shine!
So I ask the Lord concerning myself, and you do the same
concerning yourself.
Grace abounds and Jesus is our Righteousness. This sustains us and keeps us in right
standing with God. And we are to be
obedient to the Holy Spirit and His Word.
If you love the Lord, then you keep His word… obedient to His word.
No longer can sin work in us, because the Law of the Spirit
of Life in Christ Jesus is working in us to produce His Life. We have received Jesus Christ as our Savior
and the Holy Spirit of the Father in us. BUT unrighteous mind set, carnal mindsets of
the flesh that continue to rule you because You Allow it to, then This will
permit our Father who is the Righteous One to correct every son He receives. Hebrews
12. Babes are carnal and we all are still growing up in to the Head who is
Jesus Christ, and learning of Him and His ways to walk in the Holy Spirit. It’s all new to us. Have to learn of Him. Jesus made all things new so we all have to
learn of the King and Priest and Governor of how things operate in this eternal
Grace sustains us and His Righteousness keeps us. But if you are in rebellion and not seeking
the Lord daily in every step and behavior, then Correction does come from the
Lord and it will produce more of His Godliness through you. Even in Grace, there is correction unto
holiness and His glory.
Carnal mind behaviors (flesh workings) cannot obtain righteous
rewards, even in Grace. Since you have
received His Righteousness through the Atonement of His Blood and Body given,
then you can come boldly to the Father and find mercy and grace in your time of
need. In your temptation. He will rescue you and show you how to step…
how to behave…. submit to the Lord, be
obedient to His instructions, and resist the adversary, devil, the carnal spirit
and it will leave. Death is not allowed
dominion over you. But if you are
rebellious and operating in unrighteous behaviors, despising the Grace, then
you as a child of God will… Will be corrected in the Father’s fire to purge out
the adversary. So clean your house daily….come
daily…even moment by moment. Ask the Holy
Spirit to check you each time and not let you go until you yield to Him. Grace is Big and Awesome to Sustain you in
the process of the Father receiving you unto Himself. It is His Joy to Receive you and Give you His
Kingdom. Jesus Christ is the Head of the
Church and Body. We are His help mate….
His body to move in the earth by.
So where sin once was, Grace abounds reigning in His Righteousness
for us. And the Lord is wanting more of
His Life to flow through us. His Glory
In Us going forward and shining and producing Him in this world.
Here is also why we all, every member needs to ask and seek
the Lord of what, if anything, we need to repent of.
More souls…. Saved, healed, delivered…. Born of God. Are you affecting others in HIS PRESENCE that
The Holy Spirit in you is to guide you into all truth. Intercedes for you too. Are you healing the sick, raising the dead,
delivering others, etc…. according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, administrations
of the Lord Jesus, and operations of God?
Are you seeking the Lord for each day’s issues and directions? Are His Blessings
flowing to those around you? If not,
repent. Receive His Grace and Righteousness and Forgiveness and ask for His directions
and instructions for your next step. He did
not give you a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of Power and Love and a Sound Mind.
Yes you are able to take the next step.
Follow the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is wanting HIS LIFE TO INCREASE IN YOU. Start with repentance. Willing to turn from the world. Willing to surrender all and submit only to
the Lord our Head and God. Trust. Faith.
So please Go to the Lord and ask and seek His direction at
UP. It is Time… the LORD and the sons of
His Presence to come forth in a greater way.
Ephesians 5:26-27 *read Ephesians 5
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of
the water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church,
not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy and
without blemish.
Romans 8:16-19 The
Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and
joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also
glorified together.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are
not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for
the manifestation of the sons of God.
The Holy Spirit is the Lord, and the Lord is in us… for without
Him we can do nothing. Confess with your
mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God has raised Him
from the dead. And He is doing the same
thing in you … Quickening your mortal bodies.
Made alive in Christ Jesus. All
who receive the Lord.
Grace abounds reigning in His Righteousness to sustain you
during this process of coming out of death and into His Life that is eternal. You are Awakening unto His Righteousness and
are realizing your New Identity is Him the Lord, the Christ, the world’s Savior…
kings and priests in the earth. You and
Him are become One. He is the Head of us and teaches us in all the Father’s
Goodness. We are not alone. The Love of the Father for us is the same as
His love for Jesus His only begotten Son. John 17:26 (all). He sent His Comforter His Holy Spirit in us
to keep us.
Don’t hold back from the Lord. Give Him your all. He gave His all for you and to you and in you.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you.
If you have not received Jesus’ baptism of the Father’s Holy
Spirit, then ask of the Lord and He Will Give to you and abide in you to seal
you in His Holy Spirit, as His own.
Thank you Abba Father!
Blessings to all in the Name of the Lord Jesus.