BOOK Review with Judith

Devotional type Books with Revelations by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ
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Receive Your Miracle!

Devotional type Books with Revelations by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ
Most messages are also found at and

Book Note from Judith....
...Part of the story behind this book, that is not in the book, is that one day in Washington, while I left work, the sunset was extremely beautiful. So I called my husband to tell him to look out over the sound and see it.  My heart was in awe of the Lord’s beauty in the sky.  I wanted to share the moment with my husband. There was just something special going on in my heart concerning it at that moment, but it wasn't revealed. 
Soon after that moment, we moved to Virginia, and the Lord was speaking in my heart to write what He is giving me in a book. So I began putting that together.  It hasn't been easy. But finally the first version of Volume 1 My Life In You by Jesus Christ was published.  But it wasn’t until after I had sweated over the publishing of the book and had it in hand, that then my husband tells me that God had told him during that sunset moment that He was going to have me write a book.  This was in 2008/2009.

Currently Vol 1 Rev 2 is completed. Volume 2 Completed.  Now Volume 3 is completed.
If you would like a free copy of these then Email Your Mailing Address to and request your free copy/copies. 

Special Note & Introduction from My Life In You by Jesus Christ Vol 1 Rev2 
“‘My Life In You’ by Jesus Christ” is a composite of revelations (revealings) of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.  As the Lord had instructed me years ago that He wanted me to write as He gave it, and it was a couple of years later that more instructions came that lead me to the production of “’My Life In You’ by Jesus Christ” book outreach.
This series has gone through some changes, but all for the better, and some grammar and formatting mistakes corrected. The personal notes, copyright, publishing statements, and the like have been updated. But the Spirit of this is Holy and is God...He is Perfect and will do a perfect work in you as you read and seek Him!!
The revelation messages will be declaring Jesus Christ. It is about His life in ours and ours in His. Our lives will be swallowed up in His as He quickens us in His Presence. That is why He is having these books make Himself known to you in a deeper and closer relationship, drawing you in to the Father....raising you to the next step of His Glory! Reconciliation, Redemption, Resurrection... Co-Heirs with Christ Jesus.
So, read on.... and allow the Holy Spirit to wash and cleanse you in Jesus Christ.  His Blood will release you from your bondage and then He will cloth you in His Glory, and you will be changed...and you will understand His Purpose for having come in You!  Hallelujah!
Expect Your Miracle!
In His Love for You,

“…as I walked to the car just in awe of the working of the Lord, HE spoke these words in me “My Life In You by Jesus Christ”…. I was seeing the life of Jesus Christ manifested in my own life and it humbled my soul and I was rejoicing in His Presence….”

My Father was writing His Perfect Book within me… The Book of Life Jesus Christ was and is being made known to us… not in the letter but by His Spirit…. His Blessings and Benefits, words alone cannot express.  It must be experienced by an encounter of the Father and Son revealing Himself to you. John 14:20-23.  What an have your name written in the Book of Life and His name written in you.

So as you read this book I pray the Holy Spirit will give you an experience by an encounter of the Word of God which was manifested in the flesh and we now know in His Holy Spirit.

Join the Lord and me, and share this book...His message of His Victory and Good News of His Son for the salvation, peace, joy and much more abundant life for all.

Receive the Lord’s blessing as He illuminates and blesses you in His Presence.

Abide in the Lord and let His Word abide in you.
Trust Him. His Love will not fail. 

Take Your Next Step in God’s Plan and Victory.
Expect Your Miracle!

In His Love for You,

Hello to all!

I’ve had some people ask me to tell them about myself… so for all that want to know a little of my ministerial background, here you go:

The Lord commissioned me into His ministry in 1993.  But before that, as a child I grew up in a Christian family that went to a Baptist church in Virginia. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and forgiveness of sin when I was about 9 years old.  In 1976 the Lord had the laying on of hands for the receiving of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues while in Texas, but it wasn’t until 1992 to 1993 while in California that the Lord shut all the doors to the world and directed me in His Ministry.  The Holy Spirit publicly confirmed His ordination to me on May 5, 1994 by the laying on of hands through Rev Roy Young.

So in 1992 - 1993, the Lord grabbed a hold of me to separate me from the world for what He has purposed me for.  He began to clean me up and began teaching me about His Kingdom.  In His anointing He swallowed me up during a church meeting and told me He had “chosen”me.  I said “what for?”  God said “to set my people free.”  Later God told me in His anointing to “feed my people as I feed you.”  So I began to do that in the best way possible, that I knew.  There were many other things that the Lord had told me and had me experience but it isn't necessary to tell them here.  He had planted His ministry within me and I will do His will… but how to do that I didn’t know.  I made plenty of mistakes, but His forgiveness is perfect in me.  So I began to share revelations that the Lord gave me, as doors opened to do so. I prayed for people and the Lord blessed and provided for them.  God was opening up Himself to me and revealing things of His kingdom. It was exciting then, and still is today.

Then in 1994 God had me meet Rev Roy Young (“my sweetie”) and a long story made short God told me to “stand with him side by side.”  I was going to have a husband again except this time it was God's choice.  I accepted.   This joining together was an increase to the blessing and commission God had already given me… but I had no idea what all I was going to go through.   I was new to the ministry and its rules and its issues of religion.  I just wanted to obey God but neither I nor the ones around me knew how to handle this situation.  But years of maturing and growing in the Lord have produced a good balance in us both.   God's word to us many times is that the “latter is going to be better than the first”.   As ministry partners, we work well together in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  As a husband and wife we enjoy the companionship of a God blessed unity of love.  And both the ministry team and the companionship are only getting better.

As God’s ordained Minister, whom He has taught and disciplined, I know I have a lot more to learn and experience of my Precious Lord Jesus and Father, and of His Kingdom!  So with the right heart and mind, I work with the Lord Jesus in His offices of Priest and King, and can operate with the Lord in His five Administrative Gifts (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) and in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. So in obedience to God’s commission to me, and planting in me, I yield to the Holy Spirit as He desires to preach, teach, and minister His Power and Love to all through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.… to set each soul free…as needed, by the leading of the Holy Spirit.... to all that will receive Him.

One day while in California the Lord spoke to me and said that someone was going to ask me why I do what I do…. He said to tell them this… “I am what I am because of the I AM”.   That is why I do what I do.  The Lord is my Head.  I submit to Him in all matters and His Love never fails me…. Nor fail you.

Be BLESSED in the Lord Jesus Christ and Receive Him who has the Blessings of God!

Hope to fellowship in the Lord with you soon!

In His Love,

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